Good Company Singers in Ideford

Created by Robert 4 months ago
Barry joined the Good Company Singers shortly after it started about 25 years ago.  As we grew in number, his mellifluous bass voice was always reassuringly there, underpinning our special sound with a strong and tuneful bottom line.  His attention to detail was legendary, with him reminding us of precise points in the musical score – he always made sure we didn’t sing through rests, pointed out the exact length of dotted notes, and even dared to question the accompanist!
Barry’s influence and contribution to our group helped us enjoy coming together to rehearse and perform a wide range of interesting and often challenging music.  He also gave several of us the confidence we needed to do it in the first place.   His desire for the Good Company Singers to have a high standard of music, and his traditional formality that kept us all in place, were complemented by his warmth and humour that helped make the group such a success and a joy to be part of.
Barry unwittingly left us with a fitting legacy.  The Good Company Singers has been silent for a couple of years, but we have all re-assembled to pay tribute to him at his funeral.  This has led to our decision to start singing together again regularly.  We will always remember that Barry was the reason for us doing this.
Finally, we cannot talk of Barry and all the memories we have of him without also remembering Iris and her part in Barry’s life, especially the support she gave him in all his musical activities.  We remember them both with great fondness and respect.
GCS December 2023